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Company News

Italian Cashmere Yarn

Hi, my name is Federico Scatizzi, owner of the web site I am glad to briefly present you our pure cashmere yarns, and I would like to show you the way to purchase them. On our web page you can find pure cashmere yarns for hand knitting and to machine. These yarns are produced …

Business News

Harsh winter wipes out millions of cashmere goats

Article from Asia News Ulaan Baatar (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The cold winter that brought heavy snowfall, icy winds and temperatures averaging minus 35 Celsius has also killed more than 2,000,000 heads of livestock, especially cashmere goats, known for their soft and warm wool. The survival of Mongolia’s nomadic herders, who account for approximately one-third of Mongolia’s …

Business News

Il gelido inverno della Mongolia falcidia milioni di capre cachemire

Articolo ripreso da Asia News Ulaan Baatar (AsiaNews/Agenzie) – Un gelido inverno, con pesanti nevicate, tempeste di vento e freddo fino a 35 gradi sottozero, ha già ucciso oltre 2 milioni di capi di bestiame dei pastori mongoli, soprattutto le capre cachemire rinomate per la lana soffice e calda. E’ in pericolo lo stesso tenore …
